Friday, February 19, 2010

How to Date an Olympian

So again, another blog post in honor of the Olympics. Maybe you are not the Olympic athlete type. Maybe you don't have to desire to work for years and years at your sport or maybe you just don't have what it takes to win gold. If you do, then read here for my post on how to become an Olympian. If not though, but you still love the Olympics and want to be involved, you can always go for the second option of dating an Olympian. This still requires a lot of effort and dedication, but if you are up for the challenge, here is my best advice on how to do it.

1. Choose a sport. This is an important first step depending on what time of physique you like. For example, marathon runners will probably be a lot leaner so that they can run 26.2 miles at a 5 minute pace. Basketball players are really tall, so if you're 5' then that may not be a good choice for you. It might also be good to choose a sport that you are interested in. If you're going to date this person, you'll have to watch them compete (and if you really don't like curling, it might get old) and it also provides a common interest.

2. Choose an athlete. Now after you have chosen the sport, you must choose the person you would like to date. There are two options: either pick someone really famous and the best at their sport, or someone not so famous. The reason for choosing someone famous is obvious. They are the best well known and have a lot of money and you could travel all over the world watching them compete, etc. etc. etc. There is a downside to the most well known ones though: they are much harder to get. If you're not really up for the challenge of pursuing a very famous person and getting them to notice you, then you might want to go for someone less well-known. The less famous ones are always looking for/needing groupies anyways to help boost their celebrity status, and there is always potential for them to become more famous later on down the road if they're young enough. Also with the less famous people you won't have to worry as much about paparazzi and being involved in scandals.

3. Find out about him/her. Another important step. You have to find out background info to know their likes/dislikes so you know how to woo them and so you can focus on the things that you have in common when you meet them. Also, to demonstrate your dedication, after you find out what they like you could get a tattoo of something related to that topic. This will give them the idea that this is an interest you share (or maybe a tattoo of their flag in order to show interest in their home-country).

4. Find a convenient place to run into him/her. This could be a little bit difficult, but thanks to the internet you could find out their hometown or where they train and basic info like that, so make sure to fix your hair and do some push-ups to look toned or something and stuff of the like so that you can catch their eye.

5. Get him/her to like you. This is where knowing about them comes in handy. If you know their interests, you can capitalize on that knowledge by talking about things they are interested in and invite them to do things they will like. Really, this is kind of an obscure point, but you just have to modify this according to your specific Olympian. Also, be creative. Plan fun and surprising things to do. You have to keep him/her interested and you don't want to lose them to someone else who is more interesting.

6. Believe in yourself. Getting your Olympian of choice to notice you and want to be in a relationship with might be difficult, but don't give up! Be persistent, but not too stalker-ish (they may like the attention but you don't want to freak them out).

7. Believe in them. This is the most important step after you get together. Your Olympian will always be training hard and have many successes and failures. In order to keep this relationship going strong, you are going to have to be very supportive or else they might leave you for someone else who will support them.

8. Get married (or break-up, there are only 2 options here).