Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Where I Want to Travel: Japan

So, sorry for the delay in posts. School took over my life once again, and when there is a 12 page paper to be done, I can't do anything else.

Except maybe watch the office.

And maybe be on facebook every once in a while...

And bake a ton of cookies....

But other than that, it was all about my paper (and my other paper and test...gross I know). Luckily only being super busy twice in one semester is not that bad. I got really lucky with all the classes I picked.

But anyway...I'm back, and was inspired by Bing's homepage yesterday. If you use Bing.com you know they always have really cool pictures for there homepage, it this is what I came upon yesterday...

Needless to say, driving to Galveston to watch the sunset will no longer cut it. All I want to do is hop on a plane and go to Japan. This is not the only sight to see, but this...

and this...
and this...

Ok, maybe not necessarily that but you could if you wanted to. And I apologize. It came up in the Japan search and I just couldn't help myself.

Also, you can eat authentic Japanese sushi...

(food, of course the real reason I want to go...)

So, yes, I want to go to Japan. Another place to add to my bucket list (which in writing that sentence I realized I should write a blog post about that! Check back soon...). Maybe since I'll be not so far away in the next coming months, I can take a detour and stop for some sushi and sightseeing in Japan :)

And again, sorry about being absent for so long. I promise it won't happen again...or at least not until finals roll around.

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